I'm with Batek friends in Tanjong Tokong, Penang, February 2023. The years have passed rapidly. The young man on the left was about nine years old when I first met him. On my left, the young men weren’t even born when I left the field at the end of my dissertation year. I don't often have time to visit Batek friends (it takes at least 5 to 6 hours one way to reach them) so I invite them to come here instead.
March 2023
April 2023
I brought copies of "Why can't we take more / Mengapa kita tak boleh berlebihan?" to Batek in Tembeling and Kechau. This children's book is based on a shaman's message that I recorded in November 1996. The writing was sort of collaborative; illustrations are by Rionna Muniandy. It's in Malay and English. The book can be obtained from https://pgmall.my/p/N793/2472, among other places.
I flew part of the way home, from Kuala Lumpur to Penang. Took Batek with me.
May 2023
The lean-to is the one that was built in March (see above); we just needed to throw in an additional layer of leaves for reinforcement. I used the tent for sleeping and the lean-to to keep my bags and for socialisation.
Keeping my eyes glued on the gibbon's pathway. The pathway begins (as far as we can see) as a tree at the back of the palm, then veers left, before coming forward to a riverside tree. The palm is a taduʔ (Onscoperma horridum), which produces a wonderfully crunchy pith. There are tons of it along the river.
June 2023
There's a lot of stuff here. Most of the photos on the wall were taken by me. On the bottom shelf is a picture of my father in the late '50s, and my nephew, aged 4, in 1991 (I think). Then there's a slew of puppets I've been collecting. The latest addition is a puppet from Nepal given to me by Bion Griffin a few months ago. On the shelf are two Penan trays, collected in Baram, Sarawak. Hanging on the wall is a spear I picked up in Sabah.
Haha I LOVE that chair in the lean to. I MUST get one for a return to Agta. Looks like you changed the wall decoration at home...nice.