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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (44): outside the Peninsula

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1434–1474

Related groups resident outside the Peninsula (a select list)
1251. ADAM, T. 1928. Die Orang Lahut (an den Kusten Oost-Sumatras) [The Orang Laut (on the east-Sumatran coast)]. Mitteilungen der Anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 58: 5 — on the people of Kuala Kateman on the east coast of Sumatra whom Pelras (#735) identifies as Duano. [ASB]

1252. BERNATZIK, Hugo Adolf, with the collaboration of Emmy BERNATZIK. 1958. The spirits of the yellow leaves. Trans. E. W. Dickes. London: Robert Hale — popular account of 1924 investigations to trace the cultural roots of Melanesian peoples. Includes a chapter on Moken of the Mergui Archipelago and Moni (Semang) of Trang-Pattalung in southern Thailand. Basic descriptive travel and ethnography, includes some Moken myths and folklore in free translation [LTP]. German original published 1951 as Die geister der gelben blaetter (Munich: C. Bertelsmann Verlag). Phi Tong Luang materials in this book previously published in 1938 (Munich: Verlag F. Burckmann).
1253. BRANDT, John H. 1961. The Negritos of Peninsular Thailand. J. Siam Soc. 49: 122–160.
1254. ——. 1965. The Negritos of South Thailand. Reference guide to a slide show presentation to Government personnel (13 pp). USAID (US Agency for International Development).
1255. ——. 1965. The South East Asian Negritos: Further notes on the Negrito of South Thailand. J. Siam Soc. 53(1): 27–44.
1256. CHOU, Cynthia, and Vivienne WEE. 2001/2002. “Tribality and globalisation: The Orang Suku Laut and the ‘Growth Triangle’ in a contested environment”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — argues that globalisation is occurring through a process of spatial takeovers that supplant rural and natural environments, thereby displacing and disregarding people (the Orang Laut) whose very existence and livelihoods are rooted in these environments. The reshaped landscape has no room for them as their original rural and tribal selves. They can find room in the new landscape only if they proletarianise and allow themselves to be transformed. The transformation of the landscape is thus also the transformation of persons not into instant plastic card carriers or selective consumers, but into means of production that can meet the exacting demands of a global economy [extract]. For publication notes, see #126.
1257. CHULALONGKORN, King of Siam, and W. J. GEDNEY. 1906. Ngo Pa. Bangkok (?): Rongphim Bamrungnukunkit — “verse-drama on social life and customs of Semang or Ngok Pa negrito forest people living in Phatthalung Province, inspired by Khanang, a Semang lad in whom the author took personal interest, rearing and establishing as a royal page; includes glossary of Semang words and phrases appearing in the work” [from WorldCat]. Tells of a Semang love triangle in which the two heroes compete for the heroine, and all three die in the end [Porath #1459]. Reprinted frequently in Thai by various publishers. The WorldCat English-language notes are from the 1966 reprint by Samnak Ratchalekhathikan in Bangkok (which reissued in 1992).
1258. COLLINGS, H. D. c. 1950. The sea people of Singapore. Sunday Times January/February (missing pagination and date) — good overview of location and distribution, oral history, relationships between Johor and Singapore groups, and the place of sea peoples in Malay courts [LTP]. Reproduced in #688.
1259. COURT, Christopher. 1971. A fleeting encounter with the Moken (the Sea Gypsies) in Southern Thailand: Some linguistic and general notes. J. Siam Soc. 59(1): 83–95.
1443. DUANGJAN, P. 1988. Sakai, kropkua Si Thanto meu-uh kon-paa maa yoo meu-ung [Sakai, Si Thanto family, when forest people come to live in the city]. Sarakadi 18.
1444. GIBSON-HILL, C. A. 1952. The Orang Laut of the Singapore River and the Sampan Panjang. JMBRAS 25: 161–174. Reprinted 1969 in JMBRAS special issue on early and modern Singapore (vol. 42 no. 1, pp. 118–132).
1445. HAJEK, John. 1996. Unraveling lowland Semang. OL 35(1): 138–141 — explains how people in Riau called/referred to as Benua or Sakai got inserted in the 12th ed. of The Ethnologue as speaking an Aslian language, largely because of fuzzy naming of various ethnic groups in the past. [ASB]
1446. HAMILTON, Annette. 2001/2002. “Tribal people on the Southern Thai border: Internal colonialism, minorities and the state”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — on internal colonialism and the social reproduction of the Yala Semang, informed by author’s long-term studies of the Australian situation [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
1447. HINSHIRANAN, Narumon. 1996. The analysis of Moken opportunistic foragers’ intragroup and intergroup relations. Ph.D. diss., Anthropology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Honolulu — contains substantial cross-cultural information on Orang Asli groups; also many less cited Tai-language references on the three maritime groups in So. Thailand. [ASB]
1448. HOGAN, David W. 1972. Men of the sea: Coastal tribes of South Thailand’s West Coast. J. Siam Soc. 60(1): 205–235 — on Urak Lawoi’.
1449. KHRUAHONG, Prathuang. 1981. Chao-Nam Chao-Thale Nai Muangthai [Water people, sea people, in Thailand]. Bangkok: Bannakit.
1450. LENHART, Lioba. 1984. Kulturelle Wandlungprozesse bei “Orang Kuala” in West-Johor, Malaysia [Processes of culture-change among the “Orang Kuala” of west Johor, Malaysia]. M.A. thesis, Universität Köln.
1451. ——. 1995. Recent research on Southeast Asian sea nomads. Nomadic Peoples: Journal of the Commission on Nomadic Peoples 36: 245–260. Journal published by the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences.
1452. ——. 1997. Orang Suku Laut ethnicity and acculturation. BTTLV 153: 577–604 — with discussion of how dominant groups considers the inclusion and exclusion of the Orang Laut from the Melayu ethnic category. [Lenhart #1453]
1453. ——. 2001/2002. “Orang Suku Laut identity: The construction of ethnic realities”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — on how ethnic identity is strategically manupulated and varies in different situations of contact between the Orang Laut of Riau and their neighbours. With much interesting ethnographic information [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
1454. MARIAM [Mohd.] Ali. 1984. Orang Baru and Orang Lama: Ways of being Malay on Singapore’s north coast. B.Soc.Sc. Hons. thesis, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, Singapore — on the indigenous populations, including the Orang Seletar, of Singapore’s north coast. [GB #1677]
1455. ——. 2001/2002. “The last kampungs: Singapore’s Orang Seletar, Orang Kallang and Orang Selat”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — on the assimilation of the Orang Seletar of Johor and Singapore and how different Orang Laut groups rationalised their version of Malayness relative to others, or used ideas of Malayness to dominate other groups [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
1456. NORMALA Manap. 1983. Pulau Seking: Social history and an ethnography. Hons. thesis, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore, Singapore — on Orang Selat of Singapore.
1457. PANJAN, Chip. 1992. Ngo Paa chiwit dang fun tee teuakkow Banthat [rough translation: The lives of the forest people longing for their ancient wandering place Banthat]. Bangkok: Samnak Pim Sinlapa Wunakam — on Semang of Trang. Ends this short book with an imaginative story of a displaced Meniq who is taken around the country to perform savagery. Subtle critique of the “Performing Negrito” phenomenon (in which Meniq are paid to perform idealised versions of themselves for Thai audiences). [Porath #1459]
1458. PHANCANDR, Yip. 1982. Ruang Ngo’ Paa [rough translation: Concerning the Negritos]. Bangkok [in Thai; 118 pp.] — with an ethnographic account (from Palian District in Trang Province, Thailand) and a fairly substantial vocabulary of the language in an approximately phonemic transcription. The vocabulary contains a significant number of post-1400 Khmer words. [GD]
1459. PORATH, Nathan. 2001/2002. “Developing indigenous communities into Sakai: South Thailand and Riau”. In Benjamin and Chou, eds., #126 — compares what Sakai means in south Thailand and Riau and finds similarities in how various elements of the primitivist imagery (especially association of hunter-gatherers with the colour red) are used to represent the people in both places. Examines how the indigenous cultures are either objectified or reshaped into a “performance” or representation that conforms to outside view of the people, and that gives the people a social and economic niche. With a nice discussion of Thai conceptions of the forest and association of forest peoples with enhancement of royal mystical powers [LTP]. For publication notes, see #126.
1460. RIDLEY, H[enry] N. 1904. The Orang Laut of Singapore. JSBRAS 41: 129–130. Reprinted 1969 in JMBRAS special issue on early and modern Singapore (vol. 42 no. 1, pp. 117–118).
1461. SANDBUKT, Øyvind. 1982. Duano littoral fishing: Adaptive strategies within a market economy. Ph.D. diss., Cambridge University, Cambridge.
1462. ——. 1983. The sea nomads of Southeast Asia: New perspectives on ancient traditions. Annual Newsletter of the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies 17: 3–13 — very useful brief article covering much the same ground as Sather #823, but with a rather different culture-historical interpretation in places. Sandbukt is the main ethnographer of the Duano/Orang Kuala, having worked on them in both Malaysia and Indonesia. [GB]
1463. SCHOT, J. G. Het stroomgebied der Kateman: Bijdrage tot de kennis Oost Sumatra [The Kateman river-basin: Contributions to the knowledge of East Sumatra]. Tijdschrift voor indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde van bet Bataviaasch Genootschap 29 — on Orang Laut Bugis between Pulau Burung and Pulau Basu in Sumatra, whom Pelras (#735) calls Duano. [ASB]
1464. SHORRICK, Neville. 1968. Lion in the sky: The story of Seletar and the Royal Air Force in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur: Federal Publications — cited by Mariam #1455 for observations on the Orang Seletar of Johor and Singapore.
1465. SKEAT, W[alter] W[illiam], and H[enry] N. RIDLEY. 1900. The Orang Laut of Singapore. JSBRAS 33: 247–250. Reprinted 1969 in JMBRASspecial issue on early and modern Singapore (vol. 42 no. 1, pp. 114–116).
1466. SOPHER, David E. 1965. The sea nomads: A study based on the literature of the maritime boat people of South-East Asia. Singapore: Memoirs of the National Museum no. 5 — perhaps the first accessible compilation, with classification and analysis, which recognized hunting-and-gathering patterns in their adaptations. Though outdated and superseded by more recent scholarship, remains one of the best-consulted reviews of the maritime peoples in the region [LTP]. Rev. ed. 1977, with postscript (Singapore: National Museum Singapore).
1467. TOBIAS, J. H. 1861. Verslag van eene togt naar Lingga, Reteh en Manda [Report of a trip to Lingga, Reteh and Manda]. Tijdschrift voor indische taal-, land- en volkenkunde van bet Bataviaaseh Genootschap 10 — on Kuala Retih people at the mouth of the Indragiri River, Sumatra, whom Pelras (#735) calls Duano. [ASB]
1468. WAVELL, Stewart [=Stewart BROOKE-WAVELL]. 1965. The Naga King’s daughter: Adventures on the Malay Peninsula. London: Atheneum — report of the 1962 Cambridge expedition, with mention of southern Thai Semang. [SN, in #1706 no. 10]
1469. WEE, Vivienne. 1985. Melayu: Hierarchies of being in Riau. Ph.D. diss., Australian National University, Canberra — on the Melayu peoples which, as perceived locally, includes Orang Laut.
1470. ——. 1988. “Material dependence and symbolic independence: Constructions of Melayu ethnicity in Island Riau, Indonesia”. Pp. 197–226 in Ethnic diversity and the control of natural resources in Southeast Asia. Ed. A. Terry Rambo, et al. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Michigan — on the Melayu peoples which, as perceived locally, includes Orang Laut.
1471. ——. 1995. “Cara-cara untuk menyelidiki keaslian dan keasingan di alam tribal” [Understanding the asli/terasing communities: Towards a theoretical perspective]. In Memahami masyarakat asli/terasing: Ke arah perspektif teori yang jitu. Ed. Hood Salleh. Bangi, Selangor: Percetakan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia — on the Melayu peoples, which, as perceived locally, includes Orang Laut.
1472. WEE, Vivienne, and Cynthia CHOU. 1997. Continuity and discontinuity in the multiple realities of Riau. BTTLV 153: 527–541 — on the Melayu peoples which, as perceived locally, includes Orang Laut.
1473. WEE, Vivienne, and Geoffrey BENJAMIN. in press (2001). “Pulau Seking: The last link to pre-Raffles Singapore.” Text and 18 original photographs, to appear in a volume edited by Chan Kwok Bun. Singapore: Times Academic Press — on Orang Selat, Orang Laut. [GB]
1474. WHITE, Walter Grainge. 1922. The Sea Gypsies of Malaya: An account of the nomadic Mawken people of the Mergui Archipelago with a description of their ways of living, customs, habits, boats, occupations. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott — despite the title, this work is about Burma, not Malaya; contains useful information. [GB]
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