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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (41): Linguistics Benjamin-Burenhult


Updated: Sep 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 1344–1363


1251. BENJAMIN, Geoffrey [M.] 1976. “An outline of Temiar grammar”. Pp. 129–188 in Austroasiatic studies, part I. Ed. Philip N. Jenner, et al. Honolulu: UPH.
1252. ——. 1976. “Austroasiatic subgroupings and prehistory in the Malay Peninsula”. Pp. 37–128 in Austroasiatic studies, part I. Ed. Philip N. Jenner, et al. Honolulu: UPH — introduces the term Aslian as a generic designation for the group of Mon-Khmer languages spoken in the Peninsula. Works out the mutual relationships between 20 languages and dialects. Glottochronological dates given are now recognized as too early. [NBur #1678; GB; LTP]
1253. ——. 1983. “Map with ‘Peninsular Malaysia’ (map 37) and part of ‘Southern Mainland Southeast Asia’ (map 38)”. In Language atlas of the Pacific area, vol. 2. Ed. Stephen A. Wurm and Shiro Hattôri. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics, Series C, no. 67, Australian Academy of the Humanities and Tokyo: The Japan Academy — detailed maps of Aslian language distributions, including extinct languages; the Malayic material is less accurate. Also includes Moken and Moklen. [GB]
1254. ——. 1986. On pronouncing and writing Orang Asli languages: A guide for the perplexed. Parts 1 & 2. Orang Asli Studies Newsletter nos. 4(pp. 4–16) and 5 (pp. 4–29) — detailed guides to field techniques, transcription, and other methodological and analytical issues, with a select bibliography. [LTP]
1255. ——. forthcoming. Kenaboi: Lost Malayan language or forest-collecting taboo jargon? Bangi, Selangor: Kajian Bahasa Nusantara, Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1256. ——. in press (1999). “Affixes, Austronesian and iconicity in Malay.” Ed. David Gil and James T. Collins. London: Monograph Series on Asian Linguistics, Curzon Press — includes some discussion of the key role of Aboriginal Malay material (Orang Kuala, Jakun) in dealing with broader issues in Malay and Austronesian linguistics [GB]. Earlier draft pre-published as Working Paper no. 133, Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore. Current publication status of this volume unknown.
1257. ——. in press. “The Aslian languages: An assessment”. In Endangered languages and literatures of Southeast Asia. Ed. Hein Steinhauer and James T. Collins. Leiden: KITLV (Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology) — overview of conditions leading to language endangerment, with commentary on methods to arrest decline. A useful, non-technical treatment of the subject and overview of Orang Asli linguistics generally, including a survey of the latest research on these langauges [LTP]. Current publication status of this volume unknown.
1258. BISHOP, Nancy M. 1992. A preliminary analysis of Maniq oral monophthongs. Language and Linguistics 10(2) — on phonology.
1259. ——. 1996. A preliminary description of Kensiw (Maniq) phonology. MKS 25: 227–253 — on Thai groups.
1260. ——. 1996. Who’s who in Kensiw: Terms of reference and address in Kensiw. MKS 26: 245–253 — on Thai groups.
1261. BISHOP, Nancy M., and Mary M. PETERSON. 1993. Kensiw health glossary. Bangkok: Thammasat University — on Thai groups.
1262. ——. 1993. Maniq language survey report. Bangkok: Thammasat University.
1263. BLAGDEN, C[harles] O[tto]. 1894. Early Indo-Chinese influence in the Malay Peninsula as illustrated by some of the dialects of the aboriginal tribes. JSBRAS 27: 21–56 — with a comparative vocabulary organised in eight parts: family relationships; parts of the body; animals; plants; miscellaneous articles and inanimate things; qualities, conditions; actions; numerals. For Blagden’s broader theoretical assumptions, see notes for #1359. [LTP]
1264. ——. 1902. A comparative vocabulary of the Malayan Aborigines Dialects. JSBRAS 38: 557–566.
1265. ——. 1902. A Malayan element in some of the languages of southern Indo-China. JSBRAS 38: 1–28. [see notes for #1359]
1266. ——. 1903. The comparative philology of the Sakai and Semang dialects of the Malay Peninsula—a review. JSBRAS 39: 47–64 — criticises Schmidt’s theory that Aslian languages have some relationship to the broader Mon-Khmer family but is not himself clear why and how Mon-Khmer words appear in Aslian languages; uses a by-then outdated approach based only on the collection of words. [GD #1383]
1267. BLUST, Robert. 1997. Nasals and nasalization in Borneo. OL 36: 149–179 — with valuable discussion of the -bm, -dn type of pronunciation, so common in Aslian and Jakun. [GB]

1268. BOWREY, Thomas. 1701. A dictionary/English and Malayo, Malayo and English/to which is added some short grammar rules and directions for the better observation of the propriety and elegance of this language. London: Sam Bridge, for the Author — if studied carefully, this book provides evidence for (1) Aslian words in older Malay, (2) older Malay words now found in Aslian. The book is not paginated, but is otherwise remarkably easy to use, and very detailed. [GB]

1269. BURENHULT, Niclas. 2001. Loanword phonology in Jahai. Department of Linguistics, Lund University Working papers 48: 5-14
1270. ——. 2001. Jahai phonology: A preliminary survey. MKS 31.
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