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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (32): Uma to Voon


Updated: Aug 29, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 920–947

536. UMA Muthusamy. 1995. Etnisiti Temuan: Kajian kes di Kampung Bukit Payong, Melaka [Temuan ethnicity: Case study in Kampung Bukit Payong, Melaka]. Latihan Ilmiah Ijazah Sarjanamuda Sastera Dengan Kepujian, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor.

Tourists and the Batek, 2010. @ Lye Tuck-Po

537. van der SCHOT, Wim E. M. 1986. The Batek of Taman Negara: A hunters/gatherers community in a Malay national park. Ph.D. thesis, Anthropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam — ethnography of forest-people relations in Taman Negara (focusing on the Atok and Tahan groups). Fieldwork was conducted at a strategic moment, between the controversy over the proposed Tembeling Dam and the release of the Taman Negara Master Plan. Study adds little to what is known of the Batek but does give some insight into the reasoning of park authorities in the midst of these political events. [LTP]

538. van der SLUYS, Cornelia M. I. 1993. “Peace and tranquility in Jahai social life”. Pp. 49–62 in #455. [see notes for #455]
539. ——. 1996. “Use and trade of rattan by the Jahai in Hulu Perak, Malaysia”. Pp. 63–84 in #31 — general survey of rattan’s role in the lives of the Jahai living in the area around Air Banun (resettled to make way for the Temengor dam). Gives attention to domestic consumption and commercial trade, with classifications, price data, and thoughts on the pros and cons of the Jahai’s dependence on the trade. [LTP]
540. ——. 2000. The Jahais’ savage soul-mates. Malaysian Naturalist 54/1: 42–45 — sketch of Jahai pet-keeping in Belum Reserve, Perak. [LTP]
541. ——. 2001. “Gifts from the immortal ancestors: Cosmology and ideology of Jahai sharing”. In Hunters and gatherers in the modern world: Conflict, resistance and self-determination. Ed. Megan Biesele, Robert Hitchcock, and P. Schweitzer. Providence, RI: Berghahn — analyzes ideas about sharing in Jahai cosmology, with attention to core values regarding well-being of self and other. Includes attention to mythology related to subsistence practices. [LTP]
542. VAUGHAN-STEVENS, Hrolf. 1891. Die Reisen des Hrn. Vaughan-Stevens in Malacca [The journeys of Mr. Vaughan-Stevens in Malaya]. VBGA xxiii: 829–837 [ed. Albert Grünwedel] — according to Skagden, editor Grünwedel here proposes that the name Sakai is likely to be derived from the Sanskrit sakhi meaning “friend”. For more on content, see #928. [LTP]
543. ——. 1891. Die wilden eingeborenen von Malacca [The wild aborigines of Malaya]. VBGA xxiii: 837+ [ed. Virchow].
544. ——. 1892–1894. Materialen zur Kentniss der wilden Stämme auf der Halbinsel Malaka, parts 1 and 2 [Materials towards the knowledge of the wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula]. Berlin: Königliches Museum für Völkerkunde. Veroffentlichungen Bd. 3, 3/4 Heft, Bd. 2, 3/4 Heft, W. Spemann — Vaughan-Stevens travelled widely in the Peninsula from 1889–1896, having been commissioned by the Virchow group of Berlin, and in association with the Königlichen Museum für Völkerkunde (Ethnographic Museum) there. The publications listed here were published by the Museum from ethnographic notes sent back to Berlin and edited by Museum staff. According to Skeat (Skagden vol. 1), Vaughan-Stevens’ work dominated the ethnographic period of 1890 to 1906, mainly because he produced so much of it. Subsequent fieldwork found much of Vaughan-Stevens’ work to be exaggerated and speculative; furthermore, he was vague about the locations of his studies. Those parts of his material that are reliable and ethnographically useful are reproduced, cited, or discussed throughout Skagden (especially passages from these two volumes). Thus Vaughan-Stevens is as famous for what he got wrong as for what he got right. Criticisms of his personality and his work —even his name!—are common fare in the serious literature of the pre-War period. Though little read today, his work remains significant, for he wrote up some of the earliest, systematic first-hand written accounts of some Orang Asli groups. [LTP; KME in #1706 no. 2]
545. ——. 1892. Orang Panggang und Orang Benua [Orang Pangan and Orang Benua]. VBGA [ed. Albert Grünwedel].
546. ——. 1892. Orang Panggang und Orang Benua [Orang Pangan and Orang Benua]. ZfE 24: 465–468 [ed. Albert Grünwedel].
547. ——. 1892. Schädel und Haar von Orang Panggang in Malacca [Skeletons and hair of the Orang Pangan in Malaya]. VBGA [ed. Virchow].
548. ——. 1893. Die zaubermuster der Orang-Semang [Orang Semang magic]. ZfE 25: 71–100 [ed. Albert Grünwedel] — includes his notorious “flower theories” about the patterns on combs, which are discussed in Skagden vol. 1: 420ff.
549. ——. 1894. Die zaubermuster der Orang-hutan [Orang Hutan magic]. ZfE 26 [ed. Albert Grünwedel] — includes Sakai animal beliefs and naming practices. [Skagden]
550. ——. 1894. Haar und schädel von Blandass Sinnoi (Malacca) [Hair and skeletons of the Belandas Senoi (Malaya)]. VBGA
551. ——. 1896. Abreise von Malacca [Departure from Malaya]. VBGA [ed. Virchow].
552. ——. 1896. Ausdruck der Gemüthsbewegungen der Orang-hutan von Malacca [The expression of the emotions among the Orang Hutan of Malaya]. VBGA [ed. Bartels].
553. ——. 1896. Der cholera-zauber bei den Temia auf der halbinsel Malaka [Cholera magic among the Temiar in the Malay Peninsula]. Globus Bd. 69: 117–119, 137–142 — probably on Semai, not Temiar. [GB]
554. ——. 1896. Geschichte der Djakun (Benar-Benar) [History of the Jakun (Benar-Benar)]. VBGA [ed. Klemm].
555. ——. 1896. Mitteilungen aus dem Frauen-leben der Orang Belendes, der Orang Djakun und der Orang Laut [Communications on the life of women among the Orang Belandas, Orang Jakun and Orang Laut]. ZfE 28: 163–202 [ed. Max Bartels].
556. ——. 1896. Notizien aus den Reisen des Hrolf Vaughan-Stevens in Malakka [Notices on the travels of Hrolf Vaughan-Stevens in Malaya]. Ethnologisches Notizblatt Jahrgang 1 Heft 3: 1–11.
557. ——. 1896. Schädel und extremitäten-knochen von Jacoons, Malacca [Skeletons and extremity-bones of the Jakuns, Malaya]. VBGA.
558. ——. 1897. Anthropologishe bemerkungen über die eingeborenen von Malacca [Physical-anthropological observations on the the aborigines of Malaya]. ZfE 29: 173–206 [ed. Max Bartels] — contains a remarkable passage on Orang Asli styles of walking (reproduced in Skagden), which vividly betrays Vaughan-Stevens’ talents for careful and precise observation, in addition to various other topics like strength and endurance, climbing, etc. [LTP]
559. ——. 1899. Die zauberbilderschriften der Negrito in Malaka [The magical picture-scripts of the Negritos in Malaya]. Globus 75: 345–348, 364–369 [ed. K. T. Preuss].
560. ——. 1899. Die zauber-muster der Orang Semang in Malaka [Orang Semang magic in Malaya]. ZfE 31 [ed. K. T. Preuss] — includes ingenious commentary on the magical functions (i.e., as disease prophylactics) of Semang blowpipe patterns, their dart quivers, and dart tubes. [Skagden]
561. ——. 1902. Namengebung und Heirat bei den Orang Temia auf der Halbinsel Malaka [Name-giving and marriage among the Orang Temiar in the Malay Peninsula]. Globus Bd. 82 no. 16 [ed. Stönner].
562. VOON Wing Chuan, et al. 1993. Kajian masyarakat Semai di Kampung Batu Berangkai, Kampar, Perak Darulridzuan [Study of the Semai society in Kg. Batu Berangkai]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
563. VOON, P. K., S. H. KHOO, and ZAHARAH Hj. Mahmud. 1979. “Integrated survey for socio-economic change among the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia”. Pp. 144–156 in #30 — advocates that Orang Asli be involved in articulating and identifying basic needs, desires, and socio-economic aspirations. Primarily a methodological article arguing in favour of good and comprehensive field surveys as a tool in the planning of government projects, prior to project implementation. [LTP]


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