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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (23): Laderman to Liow

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 543–577

536. LADERMAN, Carol. 1989. Destructive heat and cooling prayer. Soc. Sci. Med. 25(4): 357–365 — relates Malay pre- through post-natal practices in large part to those of the Orang Asli. [ASB]
537. ——. 1992. “A welcoming soil: Islamic humoralism on the Malay Peninsula.” In Paths to Asian medical knowledge. Ed. C. Leslie and A. Young. Berkeley: University of California Press — study of culture contact and the exchange of religious and magical knowledge; suspects similarities in Orang Asli and Malay concepts of “hot” and “cold”. [Kroes #534]
538. LAIDLAW, F. F. 1953. Travels in Kelantan, Terengganu and upper Perak, a personal narrative. JMBRAS [Special issue on “The Cambridge University Expedition to the North-Eastern States and to Upper Perak, 1899–1900”] 26(4): 148–164 — memories of the Cambridge expedition; includes impressions of W. W. Skeat and mention of enslaved Pangan (probably Batek). [LTP]
539. LAIRD, Peter. 1978. Temoq shamanism and affliction: A preliminary investigation. Ph.D. thesis, Monash University — the first major study of this little-known people. [LTP]
540. ——. 1979. Ritual, territory and religion: The Temoq of Southeast Pahang, West Malaysia. Social Analysis 1: 54–80 — symbolic analysis of key ideas and practices. [LTP]
541. ——. 1983. “Pentingnya struktur badan pesakit untuk pengajian kosmologi upacara kepoyangan [The structural significance of the patient’s body for the study of shamanic ritual cosmology]”. Pp. 349–374 in Kajian budaya dan masyarakat di Malaysia. Ed. Taib Osman and Wan Kadir Yusoff. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka — symbolic analysis of Temoq healing rituals. [LTP]
542. LAKE, H. W., and H. J. KELSALL. 1894. A journey on the Sembrong River from Kuala Indau to Batu Pahat. JSBRAS 26: 1–23 — report from the survey and collecting expedition reported in #508, 550–551; includes information on Endau Jakun settlements. [LTP]
543. ——. 1894. The camphor tree and camphor language of Johore. JSBRAS 26: 35–40 — discusses Jakun camphor collection. [ATR #1680]
544. ——. 1894. Pantang kapur vocabulary. JSBRAS 26: 41–56 [see note for #550]
545. LAPICQUE, Louis. 1895–1896. À la recherche des Négritos [Researching the Negritos]. Tour du Monde (n.s.) [article distributed in vols. 1 (1895) and 2 (1896)].
546. ——. 1896. La race Négrito [The Negrito race]. Annales de Géographie 5: 407–424.
547. LAU Hoi Keong, et al. 1993. Kajian mengenai masyarakat Temuan di Broga, Semenyih, Selangor [Study of Temuan society in Broga]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
548. LAW Kok Hooi, et al. 1993. Komuniti Temuan di Kampung Sungai Mering Bangkong Cunom [The Temuan community in Kg. Sg. Mering Bangkong Cunom]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
549. LEARY, John. 1989. The importance of the Orang Asli in the Malayan Emergency 1948–1960. Clayton, Victoria, Australia: Working Paper no. 56, The Centre of Southeast Asian Studies, Monash University — pre-thesis write-up; gains some new insights into the role of the Orang Asli in the Emergency by researching government files in the Selangor State Secretariat (in the Arkib Negara [National Archives]) and London’s Public Records Office, as well as through interviews and correspondence with a range of knowledgeable persons. [notes from Anthony Walker’s review in JSEAS vol. 22 no. 1 (1991), pp. 205–206]
550. ——. 1994. Orang Asli contacts with the Malays, Portuguese and Dutch in Peninsular Malaya from 1400 to 1700. Asian Studies Review 18: 89–104.

551. ——. 1995. Violence and the dream people: The Orang Asli in the Malayan Emergency, 1948–1960. Athens: Center for International Studies, University of Ohio at Athens, OH — a significant contribution to knowledge of the Orang Asli’s strategic role in the Emergency and how military events affected them. Critiques popular images of Orang Asli as “non-violent” people by showing how individuals (and some groups) were fully capable of violent engagement. However, that some Orang Asli are capable of violence under certain conditions does notdemonstrate that they are incapable of non-violence under other conditions [LTP]. Revision of 1991 M.A. thesis (History Department, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia). For reviews, see: KME in Journal of Asian Studies vol. 56 no. 1 (1997), pp. 674–675, D. V. Kurtz in Choice vol. 33 no. 8 (1996), p. 1356, and notes for #556.
552. LEE Huey Chyong. 1993. Polisi pentadbiran dan pembangunan Orang Asli: Bahagian pendidikan dan bahagian kesihatan dan perubatan [Administrative policies and Orang Asli development: On education and health and medicine]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
553. LEE Kok Joo. 1976. Kampung Lubok Bandung: A Temuan community of Malacca state. Ed. Anthony R. Walker. Provisional research report no. 5, Social Anthropology Section, School of Comparative Social Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang — includes observations of close relations between the Temuan and their Chinese neighbours. [Dorairajoo #280]
554. LEE Siew Hwa. 1994. Hubungan gender masyarakat Orang Asli Semai di Kampung Orang Asli Redang Punggor, Perak [Gender relations of the Semai]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
555. LEONG Yoke Lian, Rosalind. 1992. Kesan-kesan modenisasi ke atas masyarakat Semai di sebuah perkampungan di Perak Selatan [Traces of modernization in a Semai village in So. Perak]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang.
556. ——. 1999. Semai women in transition: A case study in Kampung Chang, Sungai Gepai, Bidor, Perak. M.A. thesis, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.
557. LETESSIER, (Rev.) Charles. 1892. The Sakais of Selangor. Sel. J. 1: 101 — details how colonialism protected the Sakais from slavery and on the tactics used by slave-raiders to ambush them. [#Skagden vol. 1: 532–533]
558. LEUPE, P. A. (Jansz). 1861 (1642). Die Orang Benœa’s of wilden op Malacca in 1642 [The Orang Benua or wild people of Malaya in 1642]. Tijdschrift voor Indische, Taal- Land- en Volkenkunde Second Series, vol. 4: 127–133.
559. LEWIS, G[erwyn] E. D. 1961. Junior Malayan Geographies: Book 2, Peoples of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: Longmans of Malaysia — one of Lewis’ numerous textbooks. Chapter 8, on “Adang, the aborigine—Tasek Bera” based on the trip to visit Semelai recounted in #567 and here described on pp. 77–92. [ASB]
560. ——. 1991. Out east in the Malay Peninsula. Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Penerbit Fajar Bakti — memoirs of a former headmaster of the Victoria Institution (a school in Kuala Lumpur). In 1948, after meeting H. D. Collings, he decided to visit the Semelai at T. Bera, in order to include them in his geography textbook (see #566 and 874). Pp. 150–157 describe his trip, which took him to various Semelai areas [ASB]. Pp. 139–142 (not the Semelai portions) extracted in #399, pp. 180–183.
561. LIM Boo Liat. 1981. Orang Asli animal tales. Singapore: Eastern University Press — folktales collected by a zoologist with extensive field experience among the Temuan; in free translation, no commentary. Illustrated with photos of the animals featured in the stories [LTP]. Malay version published 1984 as Kisah-kisah haiwan Orang Asli (Singapore: Eastern University Press).
562. LIM Heng Seng. 1998. “Towards Vision 2020: Law, justice and the Orang Asli”. Pp. 118–142 in #416 — a succinct review of various policies and legal and constitutional provisions; advocates a structural reform of the existing framework in order to achieve the objectives of the 1991–2000 National Economic Policy (fair and equitable distribution of resources and development benefits by the year 2020). [LTP]
563. ——. 2000. “The land rights of the Orang Asli”. Pp. 170–195 in Tanah air ku: Land issues in Malaysia. Penang, Malaysia: Consumers Association of Penang — useful review of relevant policies and laws (especially the Aboriginal Peoples Act 1954) and their implications for Orang Asli entitlement to land, and of recent developments in land issues. Argues that current situation must be replaced by a structural and comprehensive reform “underpinned by special legislation containing vigorous provision for safeguarding Orang Asli land rights” [LTP]. Volume from a CAP national conference, “Land: Emerging Issues and Challenges”, Penang, 12–15 December 1997.
564. LIM Hin Fui, and JIMI Bah Bam. 1994. Some socio-economic aspects of the Orang Asli communities in the Belum area. Malayan Naturalist47(3 & 4): 20–25.
565. LIM Hin Fui. 1997. Orang Asli, forest and development. Kuala Lumpur: Malayan Forest Records no. 43, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia — this socio-economic study aims to provide empirical documentation of Orang Asli dependence on the forest, drawing mainly from Temuan and Semai data, and examine how deprivation of forest resources lower quality of life. Data presented in a style that will appeal to administrators. Indicators of social change and development status of Orang Asli are, however, taken largely from governmental sources [LTP]. Portions previously published as “Knowledge and use of forest products as traditional medicine: The case of the forest-dwelling communities” in Medicinal products from tropical rain forests: Proceedings of the conference (13–15 May 1992). Ed. Shaari Khozirah, et al. (Kepong, Selangor: Forest Research Institute of Malaysia, 1992), pp. 385–400.
566. LIM Poh Poh, et al. 1993. Masyarakat Jahai di Desa Damai Rancangan Pengumpulan Semula Air Banun, Gerik, Perak Darulridzuan [Jahai society in Damai hamlet, RPS Air Banun]. Project Paper, Department of Anthropology dan Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.
567. LIM Teck Ghee, and Alberto G. GOMES, eds. 1990. Tribal peoples and development in Southeast Asia [=Special issue of the journal Manusia dan Masyarakat]. Kuala Lumpur: Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya — contains some excellent detailed studies; good regional coverage but lacks material from the mainland [LTP]. Orang Asli papers: Gomes #387, Hood #448, Nicholas #676, Rachagan #746. Indonesian version published 1993 as Suku Asli dan pembangunan di Asia Tenggara, introd. Parsudi Suparlan, trans. A. Setiawan Abadi (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia).
568. LINEHAN, William. 1926. Reinstatement of an Orang Hulu. JMBRAS 4(2): 184–185.
569. ——. 1936. A history of Pahang [=JMBRAS vol. 14, Part 2] — though lacking analysis, contains excellent material drawing heavily from the unpublished Hikayat Pahang [Watson Andaya and Andaya #952]. Reprinted 1973 (Kuala Lumpur: MBRAS).
570. LIOW Sook Ching, Linda. 1980. The constitutional and legal position of the Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia. LLB Hons. thesis, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — an excellent, and the first Malaysian, thesis on land laws and constitutional provisions for Orang Asli; analysis of the Aboriginal Peoples Act in view of the Orang Asli’s socio-economic position. [CN]
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