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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (17): Evans

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, Cseas Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.References 314–346

243. EVANS, I[vor] H. N. 1913. Notes on the non-Malayan races of the Malay Peninsula; Notes on the Besisi of Tamboh, Kuala Langat, Selangor. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5(1): 1–14 — states that “Besisi” refers not to a tribal designation but the language spoken by the people. As with the rest of his articles published in this journal, the content was most probably incorporated, partly or wholly, into #325, #332, #340, and #346. [LTP; Wazir #957]
244. ——. 1914. Notes on the aborigines of Lenggong and Kuala Kenering. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5(2): 64–73 — identified in Evans #332 as Semak Belum or Belong: known to Malays as “Sakai Jeram”, and to Menik Kaien and Kintak Bong as “Menik Lanoh”. On content, see note for #314. [LTP]
245. ——. 1914. Notes on the aborigines of Ulu Langat and Kenaboi District of Selangor and Jelebu. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5(2): 74–81. [on content, see note for #314]
246. ——. 1915. Notes on the aboriginal inhabitants of Ijok in the District of Selama, Perak. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5(4): 176–186 — identified in Evans #332 as “Menik Gul” (to Menik Kaien), “Bianok” (to Kintak Bong), and “Semang Paya” (to Malays). On content, see note for #314. [LTP]
247. ——. 1915. Notes on some aboriginal tribes of Pahang. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 5(4): 192–219. [on content, see note for #314]
248. ——. 1915. Notes on the Sakai of the Ulu Sungkai in the Batang Padang District of Perak. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 6(2): 85–99. [on content, seenote for #314]
249. ——. 1915. Notes on various aboriginal tribes of Negri Sembilan. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 6(2): 101–114. [on content, see note for #314]
250. ——. 1916. Some notes on aboriginal tribes of Upper Perak. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 6(4): 203–218 — in Evans #332, Temengoh or Tadoh Negritos (from Up. Perak and Kelantan) are identified as “Jehai” (to Kintak Bong) and “Menik Kaien” and “Jehehr” (to Malays). On content, see note for #314. [LTP]
251. ——. 1916. Notes on the Sakai of the Ulu Kampar. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 7(1): 23–30. [on content, see note for #314]
252. ——. 1916. Notes on the Sakai of the Korbu River and of the Ulu Kinta. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 7(2): 75–89. [on content, see note for #314]
253. ——. 1917. Further notes on an aboriginal tribe of Pahang. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 7(3): 113. [on content, see note for #314]
254. ——. 1918. Some Sakai beliefs and customs. JRAI 48: 179–197 — based on and expanded from material originally published in the J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. from 1913 to 1916. Focuses on Semai of Batang Padang and U. Kampar, Perak, mixed “Negrito-Sakai” of Up. Perak and the U. Kinta (on which, see also #400), and “mixed tribes” (Sakai-Jakun) on the fringes of the Sakai territory (includes Besisi of Selangor, Temuan of U. Langat and Kenaboi, and possibly Semoq Beri of Sg. Tekai in Pahang). A summary (without analysis) of ideas and principles. Mostly covers the same ground later as #332, 340, and 346; ends with a revealing passage on the interview process. [LTP]
255. ——. 1918. Beliefs, customs, and folk-tales of the Behrang-Valley Senoi. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 7(4): 193–209. [on content, see note for #314]
256. ——. 1920. Some Negrito beliefs and customs. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 9(1): 1–15. [on content, see note for #314]
257. ——. 1920. Further notes on the aboriginal tribes of Pahang. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 9(1): 16–33. [on content, see note for #314]
258. ——. 1920. Customs of the camphor-hunters. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 9(1): 53–58. [on content, see note for #314]
259. ——. 1922. Further notes on Negrito beliefs and customs. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 9(4): 191–221. [on content, see note for #314]
260. ——. 1922. On an examination of some Negrito combs from Perak. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 9(4): 223–226. [on content, see note for #314]

261. ——. 1923. Studies in religion, folk-lore, and custom in British North Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. Cambridge: CUP — compilation of published materials, divided roughly equal between Sabah and the Peninsula. Largely on beliefs & customs, with some linguistic interest. As with his other major works (#340, 346), concerned mainly to present primary field material and refine and improve classification orders. Peninsula materials are grouped under Negrito, Sakai, Jakun, and Malay, with a brief introduction to the current state of knowledge of the peoples. [LTP]
262. ——. 1924. Some beliefs of the Lenggong Negritos. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(1): 17–21. [on identification, see notes for #315. On content, see note for #314]
263. ——. 1924. Vaughan Stevens and the patterns on Negrito combs. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(1): 23–26. [on content, see note for #314]
264. ——. 1925. An ethnological expedition to South Siam. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(2): 35–57 — on visit to Semang groups in Patani. Includes mention of origin myths. [Porath #1459]
265. ——. 1926. Further notes on Pahang Negritos. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(2): 59–65. [on content, see note for #314]
266. ——. 1926. Results of an expedition to Kedah. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(3): 73–82. [on content, see note for #314]
267. ——. 1927. Further notes on Lenggong Negritos. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(4): 101–104. [on identification, see note for #315; on content, seenote for #314]
268. ——. 1927. Negrito cave drawings at Lenggong, Upper Perak. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(4): 105–106. [on content, see note for #314]

269. ——. 1927. Papers on the ethnology and archaeology of the Malay Peninsula. Cambridge: CUP — papers in Part 1 of this book deal with Trang-Patalung (Thai) Semang, Batek Nong (“Batek”, “Bateg Hapen”), Kintak Bong, Jah Hut (“Kerau River Sakai-Jakun”), Orang Laut of Singapore, and possibly Urak Lawoi’ of Trang, Thailand. Includes the earliest mention of the people later identified as Chewong. See also notes for #332. [LTP]
270. ——. 1928. Schebesta and the Negritos. Man [=JRAI] 40: 57–59 — the start of a protracted disagreement between Evans and Schebesta on the interpretation of deities. Differences in their respective interpretations are usefully outlined in Chapter 7 of #300. [LTP]
271. ——. 1929. A note on a Negrito funeral. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 12(7): 179. [on content, see note for #314]
272. ——. 1930. A bark boat from the Endau. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 15(1): 39 — on Jakun. On content, see note for #314.
273. ——. 1930. An apology to the shade of Vaughan-Stevens. J. Fed. Mal. St. Musms. 15(1): 41. [on content, see note for #314]
274. ——. 1930. Schebesta on the sacerdo-therapy of the Semangs. JRAI 60: 115–125. [see notes for #341]

275. ——. 1937. The Negritos of Malaya. Cambridge: CUP — perhaps the first accessible systematic summary and ethnographic overview of all known Semang groups. Organized by topics; information on specific ethnic groups (identified by location and local names) is scattered throughout. A valuable document despite the general absence of analysis. Biased towards the west coast Semang. See also notes for #332. [LTP]
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