From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University. References 165–175
1. CAREY, I[skandar] [Y.] [=A. T. Carey]. 1962. “Methods of cultivation among Kelantan Temiar”. Pp. 207–214 in Proceedings of the Symposium on the Impact of Man on Humid Tropics Vegetation, UNESCO Science Cooperation Office for Southeast Asia.
2. ——. 1962. The Che Wong in modern Malaya. MNJ 16: 228–229 — letter commenting on Milton’s article (The Krau Game Reserve and the Che Wong in MNJ 16: 36–43), and the policy of JHEOA. [RKL #1691]
3. ——. 1968. Mendrik kinship terminology. FMJ (n.s.) 13: 49–56 — Mendriq have 19 kinship terms; purpose of this short article is to describe and analyze the use of these terms. Study done in Kelantan (Nenggiri, Kemubu, and K. Nal). [LTP]
4. ——. 1968. The Orang Asli and social change. FMJ (n.s.) 12: 57–64 — good example of a state-centric perception of change, probably inherited from Williams-Hunt and Richard Noone; posits geographical isolation as the key factor affecting the direction of change. [LTP]
5. ——. 1970. Some notes on the Sea Nomads of Johore. FMJ (n.s.) 15: 181–184 — brief account of the Orang “Selitar”. Mentions the people’s “well-fed and healthy appearance” is due to a high protein diet; suggests that their refusal to settle on land is due to their “comparative prosperity”. JHEOA had finally managed to settle one group in Bakar Batu. Headman (penghulu) reported that there are two groups in Johor and one in Singapore (total estimated population 300). [LTP]
6. ——. 1970. The Kensiu Negritoes of Baling, Kedah. JMBRAS 43(1): 143–154 — based on brief but frequent visits to Kg. Lallang (site of a JHEOA rural development scheme), where Kensiu were numerically the largest of a fairly permanent community that included Kintaq Bong and Jahai. The (Kensiu) headman reported that they had settled in the village before the Second World War. With standard ethnographic discussions. [LTP]
7. ——. 1970. The religious problem among the Orang Asli. JMBRAS 43(1): 155–160 — the religious “problem” here seems to be why Orang Asli have not converted to “world religions” (Islam, Bahai, and various denominations of Christianity) in greater numbers. Appears to be an attempt to address the implications of government policy (as laid down in #1507) that Orang Asli should eventually be assimilated into Malay—and therefore the Muslim—community. Argues that social development should take priority over religious missionizing. [LTP]
8. ——. 1973. A brief account of the Mah Meri. JMBRAS 46(2): 185–194[LTP1].
9. ——. 1976. “The administration of the aboriginal tribes of western Malaysia”. Pp. 43–69 in Changing identities in modern Southeast Asia. Ed. David Banks. The Hague: Mouton — historical account. Describes the Orang Asli’s dispersed locations as the “problem” why the people were neglected until the Emergency, although acknowledges that perceptions (of Orang Asli as savages) also played a part in policy formulation. Includes materials earlier published on social change and religious missionizing. Argues that with state penetration Orang Asli have deeper sense of belonging to a group wider than the community but it is unlikely that they will eventually become absorbed into a larger ethnic group like the Malay. [LTP]
