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References: Orang Asli bibliography 2001 (30e): Skinner to Syed Jamal

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

From: Lye Tuck-Po, ed. 2001. Orang Asli of Peninsular Malaysia: A Comprehensive and Annotated Bibliography, CSEAS Research Report Series No. 88. Kyoto: Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University.

587. SKINNER, A. M. 1878. Geography of the Malay Peninsula, part 1. JSBRAS 1: 52–62 — short cartographic history, describing various survey and mapping expeditions, interpreting findings, and reviewing “advances” since the Pangkor treaty of 1874. Includes three early maps and excerpts from the journals of Dunlop, Swettenham and Pickering (Larut to K. Kangsar 12/2/1874), Daly (U. Muar and Jempol to Pahang 1875), Miklucho-Maclay (U. Pahang to U. Kelantan 1875). The broader context of these explorations is reviewed in #164. [LTP]


588. SLIMMING, John. 1958. Temiar jungle. London: John Murray — travel account by a former Assistant Protector of Aborigines. On the 1956 comprehensive survey of Temiar in U. Kelantan, to determine from population census, measurement of cultivated areas, and recording of crop rotation systems whether any and which one of them was providing food supplies to Communist Terrorists. In this book, however, the surveillance business of the Emergency makes only an offstage appearance; valuable primarily for ethnography of Temiar. The last major source on Temiar before the fieldwork of Geoffrey Benjamin. [LTP]


589. SMYTH, H. Warington. 1898. Five years in Siam, from 1891–1896. London: John Murray — includes information on how Malays perceived Orang Asli. [Dodge #278]
590. ——. 1902. Boats and boat-building in the Malay Peninsula, with notes by W. W. Skeat. Journal of the Society of Arts — deals with Orang Laut boats. [#Skagden]
591. SOH Mui Foong. 1980. Information flow in a Temuan community: A case study at Kampung Paya Lebar, Sungai Lui, Ulu Langat, Selangor. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur — one of the few studies, whether here or anywhere else, to examine information flow as a necessary component of human environmental relations. [LTP]
592. SOLHEIM, Wilhelm. 1980. Searching for the origins of the Orang Asli. FMJ (n.s.) 25: 61–76 — archaeological evidence suggesting Orang Asli are direct descendants of the Hoabinhians.


593. STACEY, Tom. 1953. The hostile sun: A Malayan journey. London: Duckworth — personal account of the Emergency. Diary of a young British soldier who took time off, went into the territories of the Kelantan Temiar, and shared in their life and anxieties. [CN]


594. STAMP, L. Dudley, and G[erwyn] E. D. LEWIS. 1956. The Malayan geographies for today: Book 1, At home and abroad. Kuala Lumpur: Longmans of Malaya — one of Lewis’ numerous textbooks. Includes chapter on “Life in the jungle—the Senoi” based at least partially on his visit to Semelai at T. Bera [CN]. Reprinted 1962 and several times after, at least up until 1970.
595. STEPHENSON, Josephine. 1977. The ethnoecology of the Temuan of Kampung Paya Lebar. B.A. Hons. thesis, Department of Zoology, University of Malaya — comes closest to the ideal of documenting the total range of ecological knowledge of any single Orang Asli group. [ATR #1680]
596. STEWART, Kilton. 1947. Magico-religious beliefs and practices in primitive society: A sociological interpretation of their therapeutic aspects. Ph.D. diss., London School of Economics, University of London, London — Stewart was an American psychologist who visited the Peninsula briefly in 1934 and 1937 where he became acquainted, through H. D. Noone, with Temiar ideas about dreams. This dissertation (and many articles and popular works) is a controversial and unreliable account of how stress is handled by indigenous psychiatric methods, which were to achieve independent fame and existence as the Senoi Dream Therapy. His failure to live in a single community for any length of time led to many errors of interpretation. In the 1960s and 1970s, his work caught the attention of various psychologists dealing with the relationship between dreaming and mental health, and the writings are much discussed, popularized, and anthologized [RKD #250; KME in #1706 no. 2; ATR #1680]. For extensive bibliography of Stewart’s writings on Temiar, and secondary commentaries on Senoi Dream Therapy, see #1706 no. 2, no. 3, and no. 5.
597. ——. 1951. Dream theory in Malaya. Complex 6: 21–33 — Stewart’s most influential popular account. This and #878 cited as examples of Stewart presenting Senoi in the image of noble savages living in idyllic peaceability [LTP; RKD et al. #276]. Reprinted 1972 in Altered states of consciousness, ed. C. T. Tart (Garden City, NY: Anchor), pp. 161-170.
598. ——. 1954. Mental hygiene and world peace. Mental Hygiene 38: 387–407. [see note for #877]
599. ——. 1954. Pygmies and dream giants. New York: W. W. Norton [see note for #876]. Reprinted 1975 by Harper & Row.
600. STONOR, O. F. 1897. Report relating to Sakei tribes in Selangor: Ulu Langat district. Sel. J. 5(24): 293–398.
601. STRAITS BRANCH OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY (unattributed). 1878. The wild tribes of the Malay Peninsula and archipelago. JSBRAS 1: 108–110 — programmatic call by the Society “to invite the assistance of persons residing or travelling” in the country or region, to collect ethnological and linguistic information. Cites Logan’s notes on unresolved ethnological questions; provides tips on how to collect vocabularies, including “List of Words for Forming Comparative Vocabularies”. [LTP]
602. STRONG, T. A. 1932. The Sakai and shifting cultivation. Mal. For. 1: 243–246 — criticizes the loss of timber to shifting cultivation. [ATR #1680]
603. SULAIMAN Saat. 1980. Organisasi sosial dan politik di kalangan komuniti Temuan Kampung Bukit Tadom, Labuhan Dagang, Banting [Social and political organization among the Temuan community in Kg. Bkt. Tadom]. B.A. Grad. Ex., Department of Anthropology and Sociology, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur.


604. SULLIVAN, Patrick. 1982. Social relations of dependence in a Malay state: Nineteenth century Perak. Kuala Lumpur: Monograph no. 10, MBRAS.


605. ——. 1998. “Orang Asli and Malays: Equity and Native Title in Malaysia”. Pp. 57–81 in Land conflicts in Southeast Asia: Indigenous peoples, environment and international law. Ed. C. Iorns Magallanes and M. Hollick. Bangkok: White Lotus Press. French translation “Orang Asli et Malais: Équité et titre aborigène en Malaysia” (Recherches Amérindiennes au Quebec 28(1): 59–69, 1998).
606. SWETTENHAM, (Sir) F[rank] A[thelstane]. 1887. On the native races of the Straits Settlements and Malay States. JAI [=JRAI] 16: 221–229 — general description, mainly on Malays and Semang, with some remarks on the commercial importance of the British colonies and on trends in immigration. [LTP]
607. ——. 1894. Note on the Jacoons. JAI [=JRAI] 23: 89–90 — short ethnographic sketch; “Jacoon” here is a mislabelling for Semai (of U. Bernam, U. Slim, Batang Padang, Sungkai, Bidor). [LTP]


608. ——. 1895. Malay sketches — mainly on rural Malay culture and modes of life, recounted in narrative and near-fictional style; contains at least one allusion to Orang Asli (“Sakai”). Worth reading for insight into how local cultures generally were perceived by colonial administrators. [LTP]
609. ——. 1907. British Malaya: An account of the origin and progress of British influence in Malaya. London: John Lane, Bodley Head — more an apologia for British colonialism than a history text; practically established the framework for Malayan history that remained unquestioned for the next 50 years (Khoo, introducing #952). Cited in KME #303 for information on Malay slavery of Orang Asli.


610. SYED JAMAL Jaafar. 1973. “The Kintak-Bong camp at Tanah Hitam, Ulu Perak.” Pp. 39–71 in #662.
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